Best Practices for SaaS Websites and Errors to avoid

The initial element that you need to pay attention to when building your SaaS tool and taking off your company is precisely the user's “entry door”, your website. For every entrepreneur who enters this market, the first step he takes is to look at and analyze some of the competitors' websites that already exist and from them, he is inspired to be able to finalize his own.

Team meetings were held to understand what can be done or is not feasible, and which visual elements are suitable to be inserted on the SaaS company homepage. The opinions of the product, customer service, sales teams, engineering, and other parts of the organization have a lot of weight in this decision, which can be a fatal mistake that will increase your advertising expenses without you realizing it.

Unnecessary spending errors

Errors are common in all areas that are started by those who don't really understand what they are doing, a software programmer doesn't need to know everything about digital marketing and vice versa. Just copying existing competitors does not improve the construction of your website at all, on the contrary, it can make it worse because many SaaS companies have an absurd amount of errors that affect their business and are not even aware of them.

Best Practices for SaaS Websites and Errors to avoid Changelogfy Blog

Visuals identical to thousands of other websites, including pastel colors, vectors, and page sizes, when built without an effective strategy focused on the customer journey, a well-crafted and thought-out content strategy to have high conversion in every part of the sales funnel it lessens the chances of any user walking through your door and wanting to come in and become a buyer of your SaaS product someday.

Sites that don't work the way they were initially designed to incur huge expenses in paid traffic to drive users to become demo and free trial subscribers, increasing the cost of conversion per customer and limiting the company's growth.

Set the target audience

It is necessary to repeat this point as many times as it takes for you and your team to understand that the target audience of your SaaS product is the most important factor for the success of any company, regardless of its branch or model. The profile of the user who will be converted into a buyer of your tool decides the entire process of building your website.

Identify what your audience's expectations are, is it an audience that doesn't know or doesn't have a lot of time to learn to handle new technologies? So make it as intuitive as possible and mirror it on other sites that they are used to visiting and browsing to minimize the learning curve and eliminate possible and expected frustrations that take them away from your product.

What problem does your software solve? Is there a minimally substantial public that would be willing to pay for it? What are the age, gender, and country of origin?

Think about the purchasing power of your audience, are they children and teenagers who need their parent's permission to buy your product? So put more attractive prices so as not to alienate the wallets of those economically active, use certifications from other famous sites to give confidence, and use colors that evoke feelings of calm and security.

Best Practices for SaaS Websites and Errors to avoid Changelogfy Blog

Elderly? About 2.2 billion people in the world have a problem related to vision, and most of them are elderly people, so if your product is aimed at this audience, adopt a look with larger font size letters, that contrast each other and highlight what needs to be focused on increase the chances of arresting these users.

There is no shortage of factors to be able to define the exact profile of your audience, research very well before starting any project, and use national and international sources to understand all the variables that exist to start an effective strategy.

Assertive speech

Users no longer care so much about the language in which all the content of the site is written, with the functions of translations and terms widely known around the globe, and disseminated by social networks, language must be more important than the rest. Using terms that users are already familiar with has a high retention factor compared to technical and scientific terms, as the language used in everyday life has more value for the general public than an authoritative speech they have never read or heard before.

Make language a welcoming welcome gift that instead of being repelled, will attract and keep most users interested in what you are offering and generate a feeling that can lead the user to recommend you to others of the same profile.



Best practices by default start with the homepage, the basic knowledge here goes through a compelling and highly suggestive headline. The title must necessarily awaken in the first seconds of being read a feeling that the user has finally found what he was looking for: the definitive solution (or the closest to it) to the problem that causes so much pain.

It should be short and clear, long and complicated sentences send users off the page because it's already an effort to understand just the first sentence. An offer of what you deliver, use creativity and don't reproduce what other competitors already do, be inspired by them, and do better!

A tip here is to build a sentence that has at the beginning a benefit and at the end, the problem point is solved.


“Resolve your debt in minutes, without having to wait in line to contact your manager.”

Social Proof

With so many scams and false promises on the web these days, users are increasingly looking for ways to confirm that the on-page offer the SaaS product promises needs to be genuine and solve a pain. Consider this topic optional, but it makes a difference so that it stops on your homepage.

Insert one or more social proofs that indicate and have the power to convince who will be viewing your page, be transparent when leaving the logo of known companies that are buyers of your product, and testimonials from consumers about how your product has changed their lives in some positive way, feedbacks, and turn some of that social proof into stories that inspire potential new users to have the desire to achieve the same goal.

Best Practices for SaaS Websites and Errors to avoid Changelogfy Blog

Visual Identity and User Experience

These two points intertwine as if they were “almost” a single factor, for each type of audience the colors are different, a SaaS Healthcare attracts more by using clean colors that refer to safety and tranquility, wanting to learn how to use the tool and its features as soon as possible as quickly as possible with the shortest possible learning curve. Users of services related to programming and games enjoy more flashy, contrasting and neon colors, in the best cyberpunk style, the visual identity, in this case, is focused on futuristic or middle-aged styles, they don't have many problems with tools that require a learning curve high as long as the tool has a high measurable value to your experience within the platform.

Avoid inserting information and action options without limits, clean interfaces with few options and information are easily accepted, if you need to insert a lot of data, choose to leave small icons that when the user clicks or hovers over them, it will show what he needs to know about. A menu with tabs that open other options is also a great way to optimize the user experience in your SaaS tool, expanding the potential impact that features can generate in consumers' lives by making the interface polluted.

Insert CTAs

Converting a common user into a buyer is the task of CTAs (Call To Action), every website that offers a sale needs to have at least two, usually the first is at the beginning of the homepage, near the title, and the second at the end of the page, after all the writing has done its job of convincing and converting this average user. Be careful not to make the call something boring or too long, you need to be objective, saying what the potential customer should do in a maximum of five words.

Another incredible tip for this element is to always place, under the button, a facility that you can offer to this action, such as a discount impossible to ignore or a support service to facilitate the insertion of the user in your new tool.

Best Blog Posts

Delivering valuable content is one of the marketing strategies most used by SaaS companies, either for its convenience of not needing a robust structure or for the low cost they pay per blog article. The mistake often made here is to always put the latest posts on the homepage, don't do this!

The articles that should be on your homepage (if you want to insert them) should be the ones with high engagement power, with high value, and that have many views and shares outside your website, content aimed at the top of the funnel leads users to read better the entire text, since bottom-of-the-funnel contents are better at converting and retaining users when you already have some familiarity with the topic addressed, it is not a great help for those who still do not have knowledge of how to solve their pain and are in their first search.