How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Brand

Gone are the days when a brand could be just a logo with a good slogan. Currently, mainly businesses that are at the beginning of their life need to integrate a buyable persona into their brand, because each day that passes, users and also people in real life connect with other people and decrease their affection for lifeless brands.

Who is your brand trying to reach? Who is the person producing the content that reaches your audience? How does it communicate? Does your brand really have the right persona?

The persona serves to solve these and many other challenges that all marketing has. Its creation and execution are as important as the product or service offered when consumers choose whether to buy from your business or from some other competitor.

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Brand Changelogfy Blog

What Is a Buyer Persona?

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your customers, that is, it is a character created to resemble your target audience, who shares the vision, ideals, opinions, way of speaking, and everything else you can imagine.

The objective of the persona is to create a profile that unifies and synthesizes the main characteristics of your potential client with the purpose of creating proximity and identification, thus bringing closer to your business those users who will be highly qualified leads to be converted into buyers.

This makes it easier for people who have real questions and needs that your product or service solves, to build trust and spend their money.

In digital marketing, the persona is one of the main tools in any planning strategy to engage and retain users using little financial resources and achieving great results in the short, medium, and long term. This is because people follow other people they identify with, nobody follows a profile if they don't like it and don't share at least some of the ideals, values, and lines of thought most of the time.

Types of personas

Before starting to create your persona, it is normal to try to find out about the types that exist and identify which type will be most suitable for your business, right? It's a good line of thought, but there isn't a table explaining all types of personas and which ones are best for each type of business, whether it's a product or a service.

What exists are some characteristics that form these types that can be used in different niche markets, such as the negative figure. A persona can be extremely negative, always using fear to attract users, and showing sad or bad news to arouse feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Here we have:

Buyer persona: It's the fictional representation of the client you want to attract, simple.
Brand Persona: This type also integrates the characteristics of the target audience, but adds traits of the company's personality, inserting the values that the company wants to transmit beyond what the target audience already has.
Website Persona: This type is the ideal definition of what you want to attract, it would be like a persona that has funneled both the data obtained and has been shaped to attract only the most qualified users, it is not always a good option, as it can repel other potential consumers that they would buy from your business.

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Brand Changelogfy Blog

How to Create a Buyer Persona

Deepen your knowledge of your audience

Here it is not enough for you to just collect generic data from your audience such as age, gender, region you live in, if your marital status is single or married, and how much you earn, it is necessary to go deeper into who your audience really is.

What content does your audience consume?
Why does he consume these contents?
What interests appeal to your audience, on a scale of 0 to 10.
What would your audience absolutely never accept?
What does he consider the most important time to spend his money?
Is it quality? Is it the connection with some specific cause or movement? The price?
What times is he usually connected to the internet?
Which websites, YouTube channels, and social media profiles do he follow?

And this list of questions could go on forever…

Don't underestimate your audience, the more you try to find out what they are like, the more you'll realize you don't know anything about them.

Creating persona

Now that you have a good idea of what your audience is like, create a fictional character out of it, a character that is almost like a copy, inserting all the characteristics that are important. Give your persona a name, an age, where you live with the city and neighborhood, if possible a street, gender, sexuality, what style of clothing she wears, what are her favorite series, and her most listened to singers.

A complete social media profile, this way you'll always know how that person will spell every word in order to properly attract the right audience.

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Brand Changelogfy Blog

Test Your Persona

In the beginning, it will be difficult to create an effective buyer persona that masterfully reflects your target audience identification, if the persona is not revealing the desired result, modify the persona over time so that it becomes a faithful imitation to your buyers.

Test multiple personas if possible, speeding up the process to identify which persona will best fit your target audience.

Avoid prejudices

A big mistake that many marketing professionals end up committing by putting their worldviews in the middle of their work is to create a persona based on assumptions and stigmas that they have about certain groups of people. When creating a persona, prejudice cannot exist, as it completely alters and changes the final result of the semi-fictional character.

You don't need to change your opinion about other groups, you just need to know how they actually see themselves, from the point of view of the target audience, and not yours, so that it is a more realistic and faithful fantasy representation as possible.