Public Roadmap as a tool in elementary and middle school

Taking care of an elementary school or middle school takes a lot of dedication and work. With the rapid changes and also increasingly higher demands, thinking about using new methods and tools to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the school and the employees who work there is very desirable.

We at Changelogfy know how difficult it is to transact to the new paradigm of the globalized, connected, and dynamic world, and we decided to show how existing, simple and accessible tools can change how schools deal with their current problems.

Introducing in this article the public roadmap tool, a way to reduce the time spent with dissatisfied parents, placing them inside the school in an interactive and effective way.

Public Roadmap

What is a public roadmap?

The public roadmap consists of building a journey of what will happen when it will happen, why it will happen and you can change any of these variables at any time.

It is the previous construction of all the work that will be carried out in the future, in the case of a school, it can be either the entire academic year or just a single week of the book.

Many areas use this tool to develop and launch some product or new service with your customers to decrease costs and increase customer adoption.

But in a school, how public roadmap can be useful?

It’s important to be clear about how much is public is the roadmap, only registered users can have access to the roadmap, for the privacy of every school.

Sensitive Topics

One of the challenges faced by educational institutions today is addressing topics that are too sensitive or new for parents to feel comfortable putting their children in touch. Here have a public roadmap to parents can give their feedback and suggestions about any theme can save you a lot of trouble. Let’s se an example:

Public Roadmap

Book’s week is approaching! The class will read a especific book to start a discussion about a theme, build a roadmap with the parents offering some book options, possibilite them vote on better book in their opnion to read the students.

Now, parents know what the children are reading and learning about, avoiding decreasing the chances of any responsible adult discovering out of the blue what is being passed on to their child and becoming irritated, causing discomfort that the professional dedicated to solving the various problems of the institution has to stop what he is doing to hold individual meetings with each client. Spend time, which could be used for other more urgent requests.

Not only that, when parents have knowledge about the book’s theme, help the child to understand what is the point, or the points to be learned, this aid facilitates education from home as well.

Updating learning

Taking advantage of this same example, the same logic can be put on the construction of what will be taught in the school year. With the constant changes in the world, the professions and skills that are required each year for students to become productive adults in the future.

Updating what will be taught every year, also based on what parents consider important for their children to learn throughout the year, becomes a competitive advantage for students at your institution, removing the stalled and outdated model of teaching that most schools are trapped.
Making it easier to understand, 5 years ago learning about digital tools like the office suite was the most necessary thing to get a good professional placement. Today, the most in-demand skills include programming languages and the ability to analyze data, be it of any type or area.

Public Roadmap

Two years ago knowing how to use Facebook was what you should teach in a school to gain an advantage, today Instagram and even TikTok are more important, making Facebook something that will no longer be necessary to be productive in the coming years.

And this is all possible by updating and improving teaching using a public roadmap, building together with parents what is really most important for the future of children.

More two valuable points

In addition to providing greater interaction and integration, creating a community in which each part, whether the parents or the educational institution, significantly contributes to the teaching and development of the new generation of humans that will be civilization in the future.

A public roadmap adds two valuable points for anyone who agrees to place their children under someone else's responsibility: honesty that comes through.

Transparency because they know what's covered and what happens while they're away from their children, and honesty because there's the courage to tell them everything and still ask for help.

Build trust.