What are the advantages of having and keeping your changelog always up to date?

Now that you have a changelog, a question is: do you know everything that this system can do for your company? Yes, today there are different platforms, software and solutions that aim to facilitate communication and interaction between SaaS users, whether between employees or between customers. But, if you created a changelog, you need to know what kind of tool is needed to bring together a number of features, it supports 360º and it is just as important to maintain a sustainable business.

To help you understand all the benefits and keep a record of changes always up to date, list the main ways of using the system when it comes to improving the performance of your SaaS product and / or service with users. Come on!

1. Your customers involved: One of the main benefits of using the changelog is to notify your customers whenever there is an update, as your team may be doing a great job and providing quality content, but without using all the items that will be used. In this sense, a Changelogfy has an intuitive and easy-to-use update widget that allows you to increase or engage your customer with your product / service / website / e-commerce.

2. In addition, create a relationship: listening to the customer and knowing how satisfied he is with the team's delivery is certainly a more strategic way of knowing that your company is not on the right track. The tool maintains an updated user feedback report, which allows it to detect the main customers and, thus, create loyalty and prospecting actions, in addition to acting on those who do not interact, use greater interaction, alternate between relationship options and, thus, , earn user loyalty. , an important factor in consumer retention.

3. Track functionality feedbacks

With Changelogfy it is possible to measure user satisfaction when launching resources, enabling them to interact and send feedbacks, especially with emoticons that emit 'emotions' - like, dislike -, understand the success of the system's features or the same program as possible improvements.

4. Planning your communication: or Change a system that allows your team to program in advance as notifications, making or scheduling posts about new functions for key users, making it easier for more frequent and assertive communication.

5. Streamline your communication: in addition to all the applications offered within the system itself to streamline communication, or the changelog still allows you the option of using other 'triggers' of interactions 'for use', that is, an update every time automatically notify users by email or even using a push, among other available display actions. A way for users to be able to follow how to update and have the perception that a requested feature to be developed is in progress.

6. A team involved

Combined with the Slack system, the changelog improves communication, keeps your internal time always on the same page. It is possible to organize the information by subject and interests, where those involved are automatically notified whenever a task is completed or saved. Finally, a tool to streamline the sharing of internal note updates, including being able to segment according to the interests of each user - marketing, commercial, technical area and products, in addition to companies.

7. Custom domain: with or change it is possible to add content to a custom domain, or personalize your page in the software with your company name, generating awareness with content indexed by Google, or that helps or SEO your brand, especially in organic searches, competitive edge with the target audience.

These are some of the properties on which to keep an updated changelog. Our goal is to add value to SaaS companies, products and services. Find out more by visiting our website - www.changelogfy.com.