Covid-19: How Changelogfy can help your business

We are experiencing a real battle in the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus (Covid-19). And, to reduce this extremely viral contamination, some important steps are being taken, ranging from awareness campaigns on the importance of the simple act of washing hands to preventive actions to avoid crowds. This pandemic is and must be taken very seriously. However, in addition to the concern with microbial contamination, there is also concern about the country's socioeconomic future.

One of the ways to comply with the decree that requires social isolation or quarantine is the home office. In this sense, many companies, aiming to sustain their activities or not even contribute to the increase of unemployment, are holding meetings, planning and updates / evolution of projects, actions and / or services remotely.

Changelog: keep your team connected

We know that the situation is new for many people, in fact, for the world, but the style of work - home office - is already being adopted by many corporations, mainly because it depends only on a computer to continue making the business run. The biggest challenge is to keep the team always up to date with the processes of products and services within the SaaS system.

In this scenario, Changelogfy offers a great option of integration tool, which, together with the Slack system, streamlines the communication processes between teams and allows the sharing of updates of internal version notes, including, allowing to segment according to interests of each user - marketing, commercial, technical area etc, in addition to the heads of the company. In a simplified way, whenever someone inserts a new item, be it a bug fix, an update or a new project, automatically interested parties will be notified. An experience that speeds up productivity and time - read also ‘How to use update notes for your internal team’.

Changelogfy's goal is to add value to SaaS companies, products and services by facilitating communication. Create your changelogfy for free now.

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