Future: the customer in charge of your SaaS product or service

Before the internet, it was easier to control the content that reached the consumer, since the media - among them the main ones - TV, radio and offline media - used to make big advertisements were inaccessible to many companies, which resulted in an access infinitely restricted and limited by the customer to a much smaller number of businesses and brands available on the market, almost always the same. In this context, companies were the main protagonists, when the law of supply and demand was commanded by a portion that dictated practically everything that a person needed and should acquire.

But, that has changed. If technological advances have helped their products and / or services to reach thousands and thousands of users faster with much greater speed, the customer, on the other hand, also realized that he no longer needs to be in the target position, as he occupies today a place of power and relevance, after all with a single click you will have different options at your disposal, which removes companies from the top of the hierarchy and puts you in charge of the business.

As visionary and female entrepreneurship and pioneering icon Mary Kay Ash once said, “Pretend that everyone you know is walking around with a sign around their neck that says, 'Make me feel important'. You will be very successful not only in sales, but in life ”. In other words, the 'customer of the future' must be the target of all the main strategies of your brand, because your preferences and new requirements will determine the next steps of your business, in fact it already determines, right?

What is Marketing 3.0?

To help you understand a little more about the importance of adapting quickly to this consumer, let's highlight a concept contextualized by Philip Kotler, marketing 3.0, which analyzes the relationship 'company and consumer', bringing this second as a person, who has your wishes, favorites and feelings. Recognized as the marketing guru, he, who already had a preference for marketing 1.0 and 2.0, understands that we are in a new moment, where commercial relations need to be personal, in this case, more intimate and personalized. The focus is no longer on winning new buyers, but on human beings.

If you work today with customers in the SaaS universe, an even greater movement is needed, as it deals with a person who is being impacted daily by different possibilities and who, if your product and / or service go beyond the expectations of the user and enable personal values ​​you will have a competitive advantage when it comes to loyalty and, of course, gaining new leads, always remember that word-of-mouth advertising has never been easier to disseminate, just a post on social networks.

How can a Changelogfy help you win over a 'person' from the future?

We certainly have more gains than losses with the technological advances highlighted in the Marketing 3.0 concept presented by Kotler, especially with regard to customers and increasing the company's revenue. We could mention a list of resources to strengthen this relationship, from big data, CRM, marketing automation and creating a changelog.

In this sense, a Changelogfy is a complete system that promotes a better user experience with your SaaS product and / or service, as a tool helps to keep communication always active, in a simple and effective way. The tool allows you to keep your user updated on the work of your team, strengthening the relationship and, thus, always leaving them close, an important factor in customer retention. In addition, with each version update and product notes, it is possible to obtain reports of reactions and feedback, an effective information so that your team has data capable of creating a behavioral map from the customers that most interact to the inactive, the rotation of cancellations .

Already have a changelog? Connect with your team and customers quickly and easily. Create your changelog for free now.

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