Understand the main strategies to have satisfied customers

The first question we should ask when we want to know the 'secret formula' to increase the company's monthly revenue or the MRR - Monthly Recurring Revenue, in this case, the revenue generated with service subscriptions, is: what are the preferences, difficulties or problems are my users having and how can my software help them solve them?

Whether or not you have the answer to this important question reveals the type of relationship you are building with your client, because if the answer is negative, you will, in fact, need a magic formula to maintain or increase your revenue, but if today you sit on the 'customer's stool' and follow your priorities will be ahead of the competition - read also 'How to differentiate your SaaS product from the competition' - because it works in line with their needs, a differential that helps to keep customers happy and, consequently, loyal.

In the race not to drop the churn rate - percentage of cancellation of product / service subscriptions - many strategies are used, but the main one will always be customer satisfaction. Therefore, we want to bring here some strategic tips to create a long and solid relationship, of course, for both parties.

Tailored business

We understand that when it comes to consumers, we have a multitude of priorities and needs. So it is important to map who your key customers or groups of target customers are. This will enable you to offer differentiated packages at competitive prices and according to the main needs of these users, an important factor in converting new leads, as well as in the task of increasing the involvement of those who are already in the business.

Side by side with the customer

Another point that we want to highlight and that we have already warned here - Learn how to increase the engagement of your users - is to create positive experiences with your users and, for this, the first step is to include them in the evolution of products and services. Having a platform where you can share each update and listen to users' opinions and suggestions makes communication much more assertive and clear. An ally in this process, Changelogfy allows you to easily and quickly share news and updates, which allows you to strengthen the relationship with your users and thus win their loyalty, an important factor in retaining consumers.

Customer loyalty

Customers are more demanding, which requires companies to take more effective actions to create a closer and more humanized relationship, especially in the SaaS businesses, which operate 100% online. Yes, it is important to share what the team is doing and show that everyone is there, working continuously for them, but if the goal is to build loyalty, you need to surprise them. Changelogfy maintains an updated user feedback report, which makes it possible to detect key customers and, thus, create loyalty and prospecting actions, as well as act on those who do not interact, aiming at greater engagement, because with Changelogfy it is possible customize content and track user reactions - privately or through a wall.

We hope we helped to show that you don't need magic portions, but a continuous relationship work. Create your changelog for free right now, just sign up - Changelogfy - and start talking to your users.