How to use the update notes for your internal team

One of the great challenges of companies, regardless of segment or size, is working on a daily basis, assertive communication between all departments and loads, an essential task when it comes to increasing integration between employees and, consequently, a period of everyone's belonging.
Endless meetings and unproductive meetings are still the main methods adopted by corporations to put everyone on the same page, and this often compromises an already busy schedule. I don't know if you agree with the jargon, but when it comes to the study "time is money".
"time is money"
Assertive communication
Our goal with this article is to invite you to improve the fluidity of your communication with your internal team, optimizing the information processes and, of course, bringing the solution to a continuous understanding and monitoring of your product updates with the interested parties, after all, communication is today, as we always say here, a strategic tool for business success.
Imagine a scenario in which you can quickly update everyone involved about possible bug fixes, news or present the next steps that will be implemented by the team of developers, without the need to elaborate extensive presentations and with different focuses. It looks like a dream, doesn't it? But, it is possible! We are talking about the internal update notes, a tool that allows you to speak in a simple, segmented way and within the needs of each user - marketing, commercial, technical area etc., in addition to heads.
Changelogfy is today a great ally in this process, as it allows the product team to easily share their internal version notes with their employees.
In the timeline format, changelogfy allows updates to reach interested parties, which saves time and energy, especially for product professionals, who will be able to invest the hours they would 'spend' in preparing meetings to deploy new features and improvements. With Changelogfy it is also possible to personalize the content and follow the reactions of users - privately or through a wall.
Create your changelog for free, just sign up - Changelogfy - and start talking to your users, whether with the internal team or your customers.