Learn how to increase your user engagement

One of the great challenges in the digital environment is to awaken and hold the attention of users, who have a universe of information at their disposal, or better, all at a click.
As with any relationship, the first step in building a long and solid relationship is getting to know the other person's habits and preferences, as well as, and probably the main point, listening to them and letting them know that your opinion is important.
With the perception that it plays a relevant role in the development of the product, the user will maintain interest and follow the news, which will effectively contribute to the continuous increase in their engagement. Therefore, showing that your feedbacks and reactions are taken into account or even using them when implementing the product in new updates or innovations is certainly one of the main pillars responsible for the success of a medium-long term relationship.

But, we know that keeping the users involved is not an easy task, however, fundamental if the intention is to create a consistent and lasting product.
Traditional forms of communication such as e-mail, direct mail, SMS or even WhatsApp have become increasingly invasive and frowned upon by many people, having the opposite effect, as it decreases - and greatly - the chances of engagement with the user . A well-conducted work and a competent team will only be valued if it creates a real experience with users, so the form of communication adopted for each update is essential for the continuity of the product.
One of the most skilful ways is to create and use the changelog, like the Changelogfy that acts as a tool for software and product release notes. The platform allows you to easily and quickly share the latest news and versions of your product with users, improving the experience and, consequently, the continuous growth of engagement.
At Changelogfy it is also possible to personalize the content and monitor the reactions of users (privately or not), which makes it possible to analyze and segment notifications, one of the differentials when it comes to strategically increasing the news opening rate and the involvement in your product. Therefore, Changelogfy allows its users to be assertively receiving the latest news and updates about their product.
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