
How it works

The customer feedback loop starts here!

Collect User Feedback


Capture feedback from users
Inform product decisions


Get value information from feedback analysis
Prioritize and build roadmap


Use insights to build impactful features on your product
Announce product updates


Make great product updates and engage customers

The most complete tool to start the customer feedback looping!

Collect User Feedback Boards

Collect Feedback

Create a feedback board to collect customer feedback, feature requests or bug reports.

Capture value information of feedback from your users and teammates, by comment, voting and reacting.

Track feedback to know which users say, and what they are saying.


Understand what the feedback is value or not using filters and user’s segmentation.

Comment on posts to get more information, enhancing knowledge about the real demands of your customers.

Separate board feedback publicly or privately as needed.

Analyze User Feedback
Product Roadmap

Prioritize your Roadmap

Share your public product roadmap to organize features by priority, post your ideas and let the users tell you about what they think.

Use the product roadmap to make better decisions and know which features really impact your target.

Work together with users and teammates to build a continuous and efficient roadmap.

Product Changelog

Update your changelog feed to communicate what’s new in your product.

Increase user satisfaction and engagement with great announcements of new features and bug fixes.

Product Changelog

Turn user feedback into constant
improvement for your product!

The best software companies are data-driven, and listening to user feedback is an important part of the process. Join awesome teams that use customer feedback to build incredible products.